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I recently tried archery for the first time. When I got into position, pulled back the bowstring, and aimed, I...


After my art show in October, I went home to Ontario to visit my family for a belated Thanksgiving gathering....

One fateful July day in 2014, I had a bit of a breakdown… or a breakthrough? It was like all...

This past weekend I took part in my first exhibition with Artistes Hudson Artists to show my watercolors at their...

I’m excited to be a part of Artistes Hudson Artists annual fall Art Expo show… this is also my first...

This past July, Simon and I decided to take a day trip to check out Tour des Arts in the...

It had been QUITE a while since I painted anything and I was feeling anxious and rusty. Painting birds is...

Welcome to my new website. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for years now and though its form has...

Musician Wax Mannequin (Chris Adeney), from Hamilton, Ontario, discusses his approach to creating music and delves into the concept of...

I feel like I’m constantly at war with myself. I’m a living breathing paradox. My heart and head are always...

Next month, I’m leaving the big city to join my love and start a life together out in the small...


Welcome! I’m Stephanie Pehar, an artist who loves photography and watercolor painting. This is a space to share my creations, inspirations, interesting conversations, and document both my personal and artistic journey as I’m Learning to Fly.

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For commissions, collaborations, licensing, purchasing artwork, or just to say hi — please don’t hesitate to reach out.